
PixelRNN: In-pixel Recurrent Neural Networks for End-to-end-optimized Perception with Neural Sensors

Haley M. So, Laurie Bose, Piotr Dudek, Gordon Wetzstein
IEEE/CVF Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR) 2024
[project page]

MantissaCam: Learning Snapshot High Dynamic Range Imaging with Perceptually-based In-Pixel Irradiance Encoding

Haley M. So, Julien N.P. Martel, Piotr Dudek, Gordon Wetzstein
International Conference on Computational Photography (ICCP) 2022
[project page]

Mode selection and tuning of single-frequency short-cavity VECSELs

Darwin K. Serkland, Haley M. So, Greg Peake, Michael Wood, Alex Grine, Chris Hains, Kent Geib, Gordon Keeler
SPIE Photonics West OPTO 2018

Other Research:

Fast Burst Super-Resolution for Edge Devices

(Summer 2024, Meta's Sensors and Systems Research Team)

Light-weight Stereo Depth with Novel Sensors

Project transferred to Product! (Summer 2023, Meta's Sensors and Systems Research Team)

Fiber Bragg Gratings

I worked under Professor Michal Bajcsy at the Institute for Quantum Computing to create fiber bragg gratings inside photonic crystals with interference lithography. (Summer 2019)


MantissaCam / ModuloCam on a Focal Plane Processor

Best Demo Award at International Conference on Computational Photography 2022



The University of Hong Kong (Sept. 2024), GAMES: Graphics And Mixed Environment Symposium Webinar.
Thank you for the invitation Professor Evan Peng!

In-Pixel Compute for Bandwidth Efficient Imaging and Perception

Stanford—Samsung Metaverse Workshop (Sept. 2024).

In-Pixel Processing for Efficient Imaging and Perception

Stanford University (Apr. 2024), SystemX 2024 Spring Workshop: The Intersection of AI, Edge, and Sensing Systems.
Thank you SystemX!


Portland State University (Aug. 2023), Computer Vision Guest Seminar talk.
Thank you for the invitation Professor Atul Ingle!


Reviewer for ICCP, NeurIPS, WACV.