Project Strawberry (VLSI)

For Digital VLSI, my partner and I created a custom 8-bit microcontroller and used Cadence Virtuoso to layout the design at the transistor level. Every transistor was specifically sized and meticulously layed out.... This was a huge amount of work, but we're so proud. (December 2019)

Quantum Support Vector Machines Paper Presentation

For IEOR8100, my partner and I chose to present the paper on Quantum Support Vector Machine for Big Data Classification by Patrick Rebentrost et. al. Machine Learning background slides created using snippets from Professor Verma's slides! (Also a fantastic class!). (December 2019)

Google Hardware Product Sprint

For Google's Inaugural Hardware Product Sprint, I learned everything from ideation, to schematic layout, pcb layout, and bring-up. I got a sense of the whole product cycle. (Summer 2019)